Tue, Apr 23, 2019 11:19 AM in Classroom Management Skills
I have also had this question personally, but I have some advice from my Professors and cooperating teachers that you may find helpful!
First, if the activity is engaging and exciting, students will stay on task themselves. They WANT to explore if it is interesting! If your students are extremely off task, you may need to reconsider the activity and adjust it depending on students intere...
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Tue, Apr 23, 2019 11:07 AM in STEM in my classroom
This is such an important addition to your classroom, Cecilia! Students love to work with their hands and with science, technology, engineering and math if they are supported in their explorations. It sounds like you have really figured out how to integrate STEM into your classroom, allowing for plenty of time for your students to engage with the material and content.
One of th...
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Tue, Apr 09, 2019 11:35 PM in STEM to STEAM
In my classes as a Pre-Service teacher we have talked a lot about incorporating other subjects into science to make this type of activity more natural! I have a couple ideas for this that may be helpful.
One idea may be gathering a bunch of building materials and having students try to make a marble track. You can use whatever materials you have, you could use news/scratch paper all ...
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