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Recent Reviews by Danielle
Science Shorts: "Sounds" Like Science
Mon, Oct 30, 2017 4:42 PM
"Sounds" Like Science Review
This article was extremely helpful in describing a lesson that can be used to fit the standard that was given. I enjoy how the authors included their actual lesson plan in the form of the 5E's. The explanation of each "E" made the lesson very clear and understandable. I enjoy how these teachers used their "Engage" step to get an idea of what they students are already comfortable with and what they have misconceptions about. This was a great way to get an idea on what needs more of a focus during their lesson. I also enjoy what they discussed in the "Explore" portion of the lesson. The activity with the chart and the sticky notes was interactive for the students and helpful for the teachers to assess student learning. Overall, this article was extremely helpful in planning a lesson on this topic for the K-2 grade level.
The Early Years: Becoming Attuned to Sound
Mon, Oct 30, 2017 4:20 PM
Becoming Attuned to Sound
This article was extremely helpful in providing ideas on how to turn the specific standard on sound and vibration into a lesson that is compatible for first graders. The article suggests using a musical instrument such as a triangle for students to understand how the sound is created by the motion of the vibration that occurs when we strike the triangle. This would be an activity that would work well for first grade students because it is hands on and they are able to complete it on their own. I also like the idea presented here that has students draw what they are seeing and also answer open-ended questions. This is a helpful way to assess what students are taking in from the information we are teaching them.
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