Vernier Science Education_Main Pages_January 2025
  • D B

    D B

My NSTA / Peers / D B

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  • Public Collections
  • Recent Public Collections by D

    Assessment/what does a good science class look like?

    The reason as to why I picked Assessment and what does a good science class look like is because I believe that it is imperative to know how to assess your students. As a future educator I have to ask myself how I know if my students are achieving my specific learning goals for a course. And one thing I believe is important is to evaluate and observe and provide excellent feedback about student satisfaction and my teaching style, but those things don’t provide the important detail of how much my students are learning. Changing the way I assess student learning can dramatically improve my teaching effectiveness, as it provides immediate feedback on what works and what doesn’t. And for students to learn in the right manner in a science classroom the science class needs to look apart. The science classroom have to have all the right materials, safety rules and have to look interesting because in our adults life it is all about first impression and it is the same thing for a child as wel

    7 Resources

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    Lab safety/Misconceptions

    I put these resources together because I believe it is very important to have lab safety rules in the classroom, because as a future special education educator I believe it is imperative to have lab safety rules so the students wont hurt themselves or others by doing something they are not suppose to in the lab. For Example Lets say you were doing a lab that had you using highly toxic chemicals and if misused could kill you. If you didn't have safety rules stating they were toxic chemicals and you decided it would be fun to taste them well you'd probably die. You should always follow lab safety rules no matter what kind of lab you are doing. DON'T EAT CHEMICALS THEY'RE BAD FOR YOU! With the picture of the possible things that can happen if you do. I pick misconception as well because we all have misconceptions whether we are adults or a young child. Because in my teaching elementary Science class we had to take a mini quiz we had to label the answers true or false and a lot of us in

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  • Reviews

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