Sat, Oct 18, 2014 2:48 PM in 3D Printers in the Classroom
A 3-D printer sounds great! I work in a K-8 Center in an inner city school. We recently got an opportunity to participate in a program that taught us how Nike ideas are promoted by using a 3-D printer. It was amazing! Our students got a chance to create their own sneakers and run it through a 3-D printer; it looked so real! I'm praying that our school will soon be a recipient of a 3_D printer thro...
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Sat, Oct 18, 2014 2:46 PM in 3D Printers in the Classroom
A 3-D printer sounds great! I work in a K-8 Center in an inner city school. We recently got an opportunity to participate in a program that taught us how Nike ideas are promoted by using a 3-D printer. It was amazing! Our students got a chance to create their own sneakers and run it through a 3-D printer; it looked so real! I'm praying that our school will soon be a recipient of a 3_D printer thro...
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Sat, Oct 18, 2014 2:33 PM in Performance Tasks in Earth Science
I am a Science Coach at a K-8 Center. We just inherited 8th grade this year. Our school district uses Speedbag by JJ Bootcamp series. It is aligned with the NGSSS standards and have activities, assessments, graphic organizers and foldables to help the students master the benchmarks that are annually assessed for 8th grade. It's a great resource!
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