Fri, Sep 26, 2014 12:31 PM in We need more time to teach Science
I am thankful to be student teaching at a school that values science. We have science class every day, and the students seem to be engaged in the lesson. We do lots of experimenting and use science interactive notebooks. We need to be incorporating science as much as we include math, reading, and writing. This subject should not be overlooked!
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Fri, Sep 26, 2014 12:28 PM in Weather and Elementary
That is a good question. When I worked with preschool students, we read lots of books about weather, and they got to look out the window and decide what the weather was like when we did calendar in the mornings. The students seemed to enjoy going outside to decide what the weather was like, and we constantly used lots of descriptions when talking about weather.
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Fri, Sep 26, 2014 12:26 PM in Animal Habitat Project
I am also curious as to why you chose reptiles. Have you only been learning about reptiles up to this point? Having your students create shoebox habitats seems like a wonderful idea! I hope it turns out well for you!
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