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Recent Reviews by Lacy
Living or Nonliving?
Thu, Feb 18, 2016 5:12 PM
Very helpful!
Using a previous teaching experience, the teacher immediately captivated the reader’s attention by illustrating the thought process of a seven-year-old student through a simple, yet highly informative Q&A session. The results of this article proved that hands-on, real-world activities made a huge impact on these first-grade students. By asking the right kind of questions and providing multiple opportunities to challenge their thinking, students in this class were able to differentiate between living and nonliving things.
With the ever increasing presence of technology in the classroom and the daily lives of students, the use of digital cameras, camcorders, or document cameras would be excellent resources to utilize instead of relying on student illustrations. I believe that this would be a quicker, easier alternative that would allow for more accurate comparisons. I found the student-led teaching approach demonstrated throughout this article to be very refreshing and productive.
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