Tue, Nov 24, 2020 3:37 PM
Really Great For Lessons !
The E-book was really great at sectioning the different aspects of this phenomena. The way that it was formatted allowed for the E-book to be used as a whole group interactive activity or small group activity. When students are exploring this phenoman, it is easy for students to be assigned exceprts from the text to discover more information on temperature, precipitation, humidity, wind, air pressure, and etc. I really think that sources like these have been the most useful in trying to ensure students virtually have the same science experience. This book also could be used at various age ranges depending on the type of activities you use it for. As a college student, I used it to get more information myself to build lesson plans. However, you could use it at an elementary level for parts of the water cycle or introduction to weather and climate, as well as in grades such as high school, where they could explore why the weather and climate are affected in different circumstances. I would reccomend this E-book to an educator who wants to incorporate mini activities/videos within the text they want their students to interact with.