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Recent Posts by Shawna
Fri, Apr 20, 2012 2:48 AM in Food Chains and Food Webs
As for the owl pellet idea, does anyone know if it safe to manipulate them? I had a student who found one and brought one in but I was worried about handling it too much because of the risk of diseases from mice. I think the ones that you can buy have been processed so they are safer to touch.
I am also teaching food webs again with my students, but this time around I want to incorporate nutriti...
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Fri, Apr 20, 2012 2:40 AM in Environmental Science - part 2
I agree that the SciPacks and SciGuides were very useful. I also want my students to care about the earth and their islands. It would be nice to raise up this generation to take care of the land and sea. I am sure that by introducing lessons early on it will change this generation.
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Mon, Apr 16, 2012 12:33 AM in Composting
This post is inspiring me to try a worm bin! I might have to wait until next school year though. A few other teachers in my grade level use it all year long for inquiry learning. They weigh it at the beginning and as soil is created through the year. They have the students develop a hypothesis about which color paper the worms would "prefer" and then test it out. I think it is too late this year t...
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Recent Reviews by Shawna
Resources and Human Impact: Grades 5-8
Sat, Apr 28, 2012
Resources and Human Impact
This site holds a collection of resources on teaching environmental science. It is geared toward students in grades 5-8. This site is a little advanced for the students I teach (third grade) but does hold some valuable gems.
There are links for teachers and students on the health and effects of pollution. My favorite link I found under this source was the link to Bridge: Ocean Science Education Teacher Center. This site contains many ideas on how to teach environmental ocean science.
There are also links on population growth. This is for older students, as younger students will not understand all the variables involved.
Also there is a page on ecosystems with links for students and teachers. It was quite an extensive collection. Two links were not working on my computer that I was interested in: the watershed game and build-a-prairie game.
This SciGuide was a great source for resources on the environment. If you teach grades younger than fifth grade, you may have to spend more time sorting through relevant links.
Nutrition: Grades K-4
Sun, Apr 08, 2012 2:54 PM
Nutrition: Grades K-4
This SciPack has many great tools for educators to use with their students. There are sections that tie in body systems, food webs, and the water cycle with nutrition. I appreciate this approach to learning multiple standards through one subject.
Under the nutrition section, there are many links for both teachers and primary age students. The section for Energy links are primarily for teacher resources.
All in all a great place to find resources on nutrition.
Sun, Apr 01, 2012 6:47 PM
This SciGuide has resources for grades 5-8 on rocks. There is a link for students to “Ride the Rock Cycle.” It appears to be a template for a game that students play in the classroom. I liked the format they used for the comic book that can help students reflect on their learning. It seems like at those stations the students would need to complete a lot of independent learning. There was also a link for the “Rock Cycle Gizmo” but you need a subscription to have the students play. There is also a link for students to discover where to dig up their own dinosaur. They have to know the various types of rocks in order to find where the fossils would be found.
My favorite site that is on this SciGuide is the link called “Windows to the Universe”. Here there are directions for students to make their own sedimentary rocks. I think that activity would be very useful to my third graders.
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