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Recent Posts by Keeley
Sun, Feb 26, 2023 2:29 PM in Implementing Science Into My Schedule
I am a first-grade teacher, and my district holds ELA and math as a priority, especially in lower grades K-2. I try to help connect my learning goals or reading books with science curriculum. Since we do not have anytime allotted in our daily schedule what are some ways, I can add this to my daily schedule without having to request a schedule change through my school?
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Sun, Feb 26, 2023 2:23 PM in First Year Science Resource Help
I have also wondered what I could do in my own classroom to help implement science, and make it more of a priority for my students. We do not have any time alloted in our daily schedule for science or social studies. I would love to be able to implement both subjects into my daily scheudle to give my students that learning opportunity.
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Recent Reviews by Keeley
Sun, Mar 05, 2023 3:57 PM
Great Book and Resources!
I really enjoyed reading the Interdependence Of Life ebook! It was a great chance to brush up on previous knowledge that I had learned in middle/high school! It gave me a wonderful experience with relearning old information such as ecosystems, biomes, animals, and more! I love how the book not only provided the information for me to look at, but also tested my knowledge! I think these ebooks would be wonderful addition to curriculum inside the classroom!
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