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Recent Posts by Stephanie
Sat, Nov 23, 2019 4:22 PM in Assigning Homework
Hi Nicole,
I myself do not like giving students a lot of homework. Many students arrive home late from school and have extra curricular activities which is why I have feel that a lot of homework can be overwhelming for students. Even though I do not give my students plenty of homework I still assign some homework, the homework I assign is more about quality than quantity. For reading I d...
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Sat, Nov 23, 2019 4:12 PM in Gardening at school with young children
Hi Peggy,
I would that suggest that you should start a small garden right away, it might get many people involved and the students excited to see the process that by the time those plants have grown and it is spring there will be a lot of ethusiam over the garden. Ideally begining in the spring is best for the growth of the plant but I see nothing wrong with starting your small garden ri...
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- Reviews
Recent Reviews by Stephanie
Insects! Comparing and Contrasting Ideas Collection
Sat, Nov 23, 2019 2:48 PM
Great collection!
Hi Laureen,
Your collection looks so fun and resourceful! You clearly showed an emphasis for ladybugs which I imagine your lesson is mainly about but I love how you included a variety of different insects not just one type of insect in your collection. It is a great strategy to compare and contrast these bugs. Your collection provides many strategies to teach this topic including how to teach about insect outdoors, which is very creative and fun. All around you created a great collection that included a Venn diagram to compare different insects, the relationship between plants and insects, and a load of information about lady bugs. I'm sure that if you used these resources for your lesson plan that you made that it came out awesome!
Insects! Comparing and Contrasting Ideas Collection
Sat, Nov 23, 2019 2:40 PM
Great collection!
Hi Laureen,
Your collection looks so fun and resourceful! You clearly showed an emphasis for ladybugs which I imagine your lesson is mainly about but I love how you included a variety of different insects not just one type of insect in your collection. It is a great strategy to compare and contrast these bugs. Your collection provides many strategies to teach this topic including how to teach about insect outdoors, which is very creative and fun. W
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