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- Public Collections
Recent Public Collections by Ashley
Ashley Collection
This is a composite of my resources to get me information of my research about my inquiry lesson planning for 5th graders.
6 Resources
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Recent Posts by Ashley
Wed, Apr 08, 2020 5:23 PM in Increasing Student Engagement in Science Lessons
I agree that kahoot is extremely fun. Personally when I was in high school I remember using this feature. This will actually get everyone engaged but still have fun. I remember looking forward to playing because we will end up with rewards. This is a great way to implement not only knowledge but also participation. I find that it is very efficient to get feedback on what students are struggling w...
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Thu, Apr 02, 2020 1:42 PM in Integrating Science and Physical Education
I agree with you that there should be an integration of science and physical education. I have yet to see a something like that. I have read multiple articles before that states that students learn better in enviroments that are hands because of the corelations that they make. I have not yet seen both science and physical education but i feel that adding both will help students furthermore becaus...
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- Reviews
Recent Reviews by Ashley
Karla's Collections
Wed, Apr 08, 2020 5:32 PM
Great collection
Karla you did an amazing job putting this collection together. Not inly is it helpful but it is also informational. These are all articles that can be used to reference and also be used to apply new knowledge and concepts. The one that I found most informational was the one on safety first. It allows teachers to see how they can create a safe environment for their students. The next one I enjoyed was the species of life which showed correlations of animals and their food chains. I think this is one of the most important ones because it allows for an inquiry lesson to be applied. Thank you for sharing.
Solar Collection
Thu, Apr 02, 2020 1:51 PM
Amazing collection
I find your collection extraordinary. The reason I say this is because in elementary school is when students are introduced to the aspect of solar system and what it is. I enjoyed yours specifically because not only does it give amazing information and has great concept but it also provides activities that teachers can do with students. I specifically enjoyed the article of astroids, comets and meteorites because personally I think that this is one of the most interesting things not only for me but for students. Thank you for sharing.
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