Sat, Nov 06, 2021 12:32 AM in Field Trips
Hi Liliana,
I love to hear that you are trying to incorporate field trips for your students. I'm Emma Ammons, currently a Junior at Wartburg College. I also remember many of my class field trips. Some of mine included attending a Driftless Regions Wildlife Preserve, specifically the Wetlands Center in Marquette, IA. We learned about native species along the river, did sampling, ident...
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Sat, Nov 06, 2021 12:22 AM in STEM in the Classroom
Hi Destini,
I love to hear that you want to see STEM as an everyday classroom activity. I'm Emma Ammons, currently a Junior at Wartburg College. This year, in my method classes, we have been talking a lot of about the inclusion of STEM and STEAM, with the A being agriculture. I totally agree that STEM has so many options. One resource we recently learned about was a Agriculture resou...
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Fri, Nov 05, 2021 2:36 PM in Formative vs. Summative Assessments
Hi Amy,
Exciting year of college to be in! I am Emma Ammons, a third year at Wartburg college. We've talked a lot in my classes about utilizing summative vs formative assesments. Formative's really are that along the way check of students understandings, the physical evidence of they've got it or they don't. Summative is more of the big test, total chapter or unit compreh...
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