Sun, Nov 04, 2018 2:02 PM in STEM and Fairy Tales
Connecting these two things is awesome! One classroom I was completing my hours in was learning about fairy tales and folk tales, specifically The Three Little Pigs. The teacher divided the class into 3 groups. One group had to make a house of sticks (popsicle sticks), one group made a house of straw (drinking straws), and the orher house was made of bricks (legos). This allowed children to build...
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Mon, Oct 29, 2018 1:17 PM in classroom management during experiments
The first thing you must do is address appropriate classroom behavior and expectations. To keep students on track I would give them a worksheet to fill out that allows them to write what is happening throughout the experiment. Not only is this a good tool for you to see if they are staying on track but it is also a good tool for them to look back on and see what happened during thier e...
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Sun, Oct 21, 2018 9:08 PM in Solar System with preschoolers
This month I am working on the solar system with my little preschoolers in my field placement. The solar system is such an abstract concept for younger children and I would like to know how do I make it less intimidating? Do I teach every aspect or focus on just one (i.e stars, planets, earth, sun, moon, etc).
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