Sun, Dec 07, 2014 10:06 PM in reward system?
A common reward system used amongst younger classrooms is the red, yellow, and green light system. I was in a classroom where the teacher had crowns, which was the school mascot. Unlike the light system students were actually rewarded for positive things done with class; a reward was gaining additional crowns. At the end of th week if a student had acquired a certain amount of crowns they were abl...
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Sun, Dec 07, 2014 10:01 PM in Advice for new teachers
Eading this forum has been so helpful,mulile you I am also in college and will be a new teacher. Advice that I could give is time management, confidence of knowledge of the content, and hands-on experiences. I feel our students need to get out from behind a desk and get dirt. Student learn and retain information when they are out there collecting data and participating in investigations.
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