Fri, Nov 25, 2016 10:40 AM in Science Notebooks
Hi Sayde, I find it extremely beneficial to keep a science notebook/journal. I am studying to be a teacher and in my teaching science class we keep a science journal. I think it is a great way to stay organized and reflect, because in our journals we take class observational notes on experiments and activities we do in class, we write down any questions that our professor wants us to respond to, a...
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Fri, Nov 25, 2016 10:22 AM in Teaching kids with ADHD
Hi Uma, in my experience of working with students with ADHD in my tutoring, something that I have found is that they are very tactile and visual. Something that I have done in the past to help them to be organized is to make a to-do list on a sticky note The to-do list could also be on paper, but I have found that because the sticky-note could be a vibrant color or pattern the students like it mor...
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Fri, Apr 15, 2016 1:34 PM in Enough time for science?
I personally find it sad that time for science has lessened greatly in the classroom, but I agree that it could be possible to incorporate science throughout the day and with other subjects, or in playtime like you suggested. I think that science is a subject that already incorporates reading, math and history so to have it incorporated into those subjects doesn't seem like a bad idea, but I...
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