Fri, Apr 30, 2021 8:28 PM in Educational Resources
Hi! I was hoping for assistance in finding some educational resources to share online to my students who are struggling in core content areas. What are some good ones that you have come across, and do you have any good tips in differentiated instruction while teaching online?
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Fri, Apr 30, 2021 8:21 PM in How to have science experiments for Early Childhood students?
Hi! I was wondering if anyone had any fun, interactive science experiments for early childhood (kindergarten) students. It seems that it would be difficult to do something such as an experiment with kids at such a young age, how can we demostrate while keeping their attention captivated? Any experiments, or tips on teaching science will help!
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Fri, Apr 30, 2021 8:18 PM in Create and Share a Seasons Board! (Crowdsourced Anchor Phenomenon)
Hi! I think the seasons board is a very fun, exciting and interactive way to get students excited about engaging in their changing world around them! Finding artifacts to represent the seasons is almost like a scavenger hunt, it will get the kids thinking while also allowing them to practically play a game! Great work.
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