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Mon, Apr 24, 2017 2:29 AM in Learning Science Concepts through Play
I love this idea! I recently visited the Birch Aquarium in San Diego which has an outdoor exhibit all about energy. This exhibit, called Boundless Energy, was essentially a giant playground for kids of all ages that explored the science behind alternative energy sources--wind, solar, waves--in a very interactive way.
This post reminds me of Finland's educational system, known to be one of the b...
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Mon, Apr 24, 2017 2:08 AM in Technology in Kindergarten
Hi Emily,
I recently observed in an elementary school science classroom that had obtained cheap microscopes that students could use by themselves to analyze a variety of objects in depth (there were a lot of bugs, dirt, and other things found outside). The teacher also used a Docucam to project and zoom in on interesting findings of the students, and to showcase experiments. The kids didn't ne...
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