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Recent Posts by Dianne
Thu, Dec 18, 2014 9:57 AM in Circuits
RE: Circuit Making Supplies
I'll bet you can talk to your 5th grade Science Teacher and borrow all the supplies you need. If you have a Science Lab on your campus that would be a great resource as well. And if your school ordered the eie kits like mine did, they may have ordered one of the two kits that focus on electricity, in which case you will definitely have alligator clips, wi...
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Sun, Dec 07, 2014 10:50 PM in Super Sound Eggs for Pre-K to 1st Grade!!!
This is a great activity to add to your unit on sound!
While planning for a break-out day for our fantastic first grade classes, I was asked to come up with a sound station for the students to rotate through. How could I get the attention of 160 students in just 8 minutes?(10 at a time).
Super Sound Eggs! This is a discovery station where students listen to eggs and identify the sound...
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Thu, Dec 04, 2014 12:59 PM in Shout Out for Circumpolar Constellations?
I need a science lab activity to teach the circumpolar constellations to 2nd and 4th grades. I will have 12 classes so I can't use a lot of materials unless it is something that students can bring in. Any suggestions?
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- Reviews
Recent Reviews by Dianne
Cell Structure and Function
Thu, Dec 18, 2014 3:17 PM
A Clear and Understandable Unit
I started this Sci-Pack with just basic knowledge of cells and I really found that I did not know how much I did not know.
This Sci-Pack has proven to be invaluable to me because I have taught K-2 for 9 years and then found myself in the K-5 Science Lab teaching content that I was unfamiliar with.
I understand so much more than before and I credit the interactive nature of the Sci-Pack with helping me learn it quickly and in an engaging way.
Electric and Magnetic Forces
Sun, Nov 09, 2014 8:45 AM
Electric and Magnetic Forces Sci-Pack
I just completed the Sci-Pack and I found it very helpful. I teach elementary school science and I don't have a need to get deep, deep into theory and equations but I do believe that teachers should have a firm knowledge foundation on a topic before presenting it to students. This Sci-Pack was just right for me. The history of discovery was interesting and the math was challenging without being overwhelming. I also appreciate the pedagogy discussion. Understanding the misconceptions my students may have prior to the learning will help me guide their experiences in the lab and give them accurate knowledge. Thanks.
View all reviews by Dianne