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Recent Posts by Victoria
Tue, Nov 10, 2020 1:19 PM in Effective Classroom Management
Hi Olivia! I am currently in my student teaching, so I know that I may not have as much to offer because I'm not teaching yet, but wanted to give you a couple of suggestions based off what I've found helpful. First, always be consistent in how you start your morning. Middle level students thrive on routine, so be consistent in how you start your day. I think this will help eliminate class...
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Tue, Nov 10, 2020 1:08 PM in Remote Teaching and Learning
A resource that I have found to be incredibly helpful during remote learning is Notability. It allows students to save worksheets and different activities onto their iPad's (a one-to-one situation), and then draw, write, and highlight what they want. They then can turn this into Canvas (the learning platform my school is using) where I can see all they've done. This allows for students to...
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- Reviews
Recent Reviews by Victoria
Tue, Nov 17, 2020 10:42 AM
Classroom Management
I found this book to be incredibly helpful to me. I am in my student teaching currently and was hesitant to teach science, as I haven't had much experience. This book has been really helpful in breaking down classroom procedures, hands-on activities, ways to engage with your students, and much more. I would highly suggest this to any science teacher!
Tue, Nov 10, 2020 1:23 PM
Teaching Sceince
I am in the middle of my student teaching, and am getting certified in math and science. I have always been more confident in my ability to teach math, as I felt like Science wasn't as easy. With the help of a teacher, as well as this resource, I feel like I have much more confidence in the science classroom now. This resource was great at breaking down the key components of a science classroom. My favorite chapter was on "Ice Breakers." I feel much better about being in a science classroom after reading through this resource!
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