by: Heather Gibb and Nicole Miller-Struttmann
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Earth & Space Science Teaching Strategies
Type Journal ArticlePub Date 12/1/2015Stock # sc15_053_04_68Volume 053Issue 04
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Great Resource!
This article is a great resource for teachers of all grades. I truly believe that this lesson can be modified to be appropriate for all grade levels. I love the way the authors started off t... See More
This article is a great resource for teachers of all grades. I truly believe that this lesson can be modified to be appropriate for all grade levels. I love the way the authors started off the lesson plan with essential vocabulary for the lesson and continuously addresses ways to tie the content to prior knowledge to help aid student understanding. This lesson illustrates fostering student engagement and creating a meaningful learning environment that can be applied to a variety of lessons. The photographs in this resource are incredibly helpful and illustrate how the students were engaged and learning throughout the entire lesson. The authors really thought out this lesson and it is an incredibly helpful and detailed resource.
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