The Plate Tectonics Interactive E-book* explores the materials that make up Earth and the processes they undergo, providing a framework for understanding how continents are created and changed over time. Earth is not a static planet. Rather, Earth is layered with a thin, rocky crust divided into plates; a hot, deformable mantle; a liquid outer core; and a solid, metallic, dense inner core. Transfer of heat from inside Earth and gravitational pull cause Earth’s plates to move. Plates pushing, pulling, or sliding past one another can cause earthquakes, volcanoes, mountain formation, rock deformation, and trenches. This Enhanced E-book explores the physical, geographical, and geological evidence for the theory of continental drift and plate tectonics.
*Interactive E-books are highly interactive, self-directed learning experiences designed to augment understanding of science content and pedagogy. These e-books include high-resolution images, animations, videos and interactive simulations.