The Link Between Science, Inquiry, and Language Literacy

by: Richard Konicek-Moran

There is currently a strong effort to combine science and literacy, because a growing body of research stresses the importance of language in learning science. Discussion, argumentation, discourse of all kinds, group consensus, and social interactions—all forms of communication are necessary for students to make meaning out of the activities in which they have engaged. And these require language in the form of writing, reading, and particularly speaking. Therefore, there are many ways of connecting literacy and science. This chapter looks briefly at the research literature to find some ideas that will make the combination of literacy and science not only worthwhile but also essential for learning.


Type Book ChapterPub Date 4/1/2008Stock # PB220X_3

NSTA Press produces classroom-ready activities, hands-on approaches to inquiry, relevant professional development, the latest scientific education news and research, assessment and standards-based instruction.

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