by: Christine Anne Royce
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5E Instructional Materials Kindergarten
Type Journal ArticlePub Date 2/1/2019Stock # sc19_056_06_20Volume 056Issue 06
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Teaching Through Trade Books: Seasonal Weather Patterns
This article contains two complete 5-E lesson plans that use trade books to help teach students about the observable patterns of weather, seasons, and movement of the sun. Both the teacher’s... See More
This article contains two complete 5-E lesson plans that use trade books to help teach students about the observable patterns of weather, seasons, and movement of the sun. Both the teacher’s and students’ roles and responsibilities are thoroughly outlined within each segment (Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate, and Evaluate) of the lesson plans. This article also includes the specific NGSS standards and three-dimensional learning connection for each lesson plan. I found this article to be an exceptional, 5-star resource because of this depth of details presented for each lesson plan. I loved how the outlines contain everything from specific talking points/questions to ask during the reading and activity to how the teacher can group and assess students. With all of this information, it would not be very difficult to bring the lesson straight off the pages of the book and into a classroom. Furthermore, I also appreciated how this article was encompassing to all elementary science teachers by having one lesson geared towards each upper and lower elementary. Overall, I enjoyed every part of this journal article and found nothing of concern to detract from its value. For these many reasons, I believe this article deserves all five stars.
NSTA Press produces classroom-ready activities, hands-on approaches to inquiry, relevant professional development, the latest scientific education news and research, assessment and standards-based instruction.
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