Where’s the Wind?

edited by: Carla C. Johnson, Janet B. Walton, and Erin Peters-Burton

In this lesson, students make connections between the geography of the United States and the availability of wind resources. They explore the scientific process and measurement of natural phenomena. By investigating a variety of maps students gain a conceptual understanding of the geographic diversity and how that diversity is expressed in maps. They compare and contrast the availability of wind resources and investigate the locations of current wind farms. They also gain a broad understanding of the role wind turbines play in electricity production. Students consider various tools scientists use to measure wind and then use the engineering design process (EDP) and the scientific process to design and test an anemometer. We recommend reading Chapter 3, which is included in this book selection and provides a module overview and summary. A materials list, teacher background information, safety notes, standards, assessment, resources, and references are provided. This book selection also includes the Table of Contents, About the Editors and Authors, Acknowledgments, Appendix, and Index.

Grade Levels

Elementary Middle School


Engineering Environmental Science General Science Instructional Materials Physical Science STEM


Type Book ChapterPub Date 12/19/2017Pages 98Stock # PB425X3_2

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