Of all the fields of scientific study, the Earth sciences are one of the most interdisciplinary. This is particularly true for this disciplinary core idea (DCI), which focuses on society’s interactions with the planet’s complex systems. Today, Earth sciences research is motivated by a different set of concerns and uses different methodologies. Changes in technology have enabled the development of sophisticated visualizations and quantitative models for exploring, explaining, and predicting Earth’s complex systems. In this chapter, the biggest takeaway from this overview is the central understanding that natural processes and human activities are intimately linked in clearly identified ways. A list of materials, teacher background information, assessment, standards, safety, and references are provided. This book selection also includes the Table of Contents, Foreword, Acknowledgments, About the Editors, Contributors, Appendix, Image credits, and Index..
Type Book ChapterPub Date 10/31/2016Pages 41Stock # PB402X_12