Using Mathematics and Computational Thinking

by: Christina V. Schwarz, Cynthia Passmore, and Brian J. Reiser

Using mathematics and computational thinking practice is all about finding precise ways to describe the patterns and processes that make up scientific and engineered systems. This chapter discusses three interrelated issues for getting started in your own classroom—promoting student sense-making, fostering a classroom culture, and finding tools and resources that work for your classroom and curriculum. There are many modeling tools, data analysis tools, and simulations that have been designed especially for K–12 students. A list of materials, teacher background information, standards, assessment, and references are provided. This book selection also includes the Table of Contents, About the Editors, Contributors, Acknowledgments, and Index.


Type Book ChapterPub Date 1/31/2017Pages 48Stock # PB351X_9

NSTA Press produces classroom-ready activities, hands-on approaches to inquiry, relevant professional development, the latest scientific education news and research, assessment and standards-based instruction.

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