Is It Air or Wind?

by: Milton Huling and Jackie Speake Dwyer

This chapter features Physical sciences StEMT lessons. As humans, we live in a sea of air to the point that we forget the air is there. The lesson brings in some of our favorite hands-on activities. It starts with the classic three-holed bottle activity and in the Explore section has students making their own thermometer—demonstrating that air is matter and expands and contracts with increases in energy. The engineering design challenge is meant to continue the process of learning that air has the ability to create a change and provide a force. A list of materials, teacher background information, standards, safety notes, assessment, and references are included. This book selection also includes the Table of Contents, Foreword, Preface, Acknowledgments, About The Authors, About Our Approach, Connection to Standards, Conclusion, Appendix A, and Index.


Type Book ChapterPub Date 5/1/2018Pages 38Stock # PB436X_9a

NSTA Press produces classroom-ready activities, hands-on approaches to inquiry, relevant professional development, the latest scientific education news and research, assessment and standards-based instruction.

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