Archive: Transforming Science Learning: Part 1: Science and Language Integration With Multilingual Learners: Asset-Oriented Framing, December 14, 2022

Education research, policy, and practice with minoritized student groups were traditionally framed in terms of what the students were lacking and how to fix this problem (a deficit-oriented view). In recent years, there have been growing efforts to leverage the resources that all students bring to the classroom (an asset-oriented view). The education of multilingual learners in content areas, including science, is a prime case. Asset-oriented framing of multilingual learners represents linguistically sustaining pedagogy or linguistic equity pedagogy.

This web seminar is Part 1 of a two-part series. The purpose of these two 90-minute sessions is to present contemporary approaches to developing NGSS-designed instructional materials that integrate science and language with multilingual learners. Participants will examine reframing of multilingual learners from a deficit-oriented view to an asset-oriented view across research, policy, and practice. Using a yearlong fifth-grade curriculum called Science And Integrated Language (SAIL), participants will examine how contemporary approaches to integrating science and language are mutually supportive with all students, especially multilingual learners.

In Part 1 the presenters will focus on asset-oriented framing of multilingual learners and contemporary approaches to developing NGSS-designed instructional materials that integrate science and language with multilingual learners. Register to Part 2.

Key Takeaways:

  • Asset-oriented framing of multilingual learners
  • Contemporary approaches to integrating science and language with multilingual learners
  • Open education resources developed in collaboration with New York State Education Department
  • Alignment between the NGSS (science standards) and the WIDA 2020 Edition (English language development standards)
  • Teachers as co-participants of instructional materials development while also promoting their professional learning

All individuals receive a certificate of participation and 100 NSTA activity points for attending the live seminar and completing the end-of-program survey. A certificate of participation is not awarded for watching the recorded version of the program.

We invite you to register for upcoming web seminars at NSTA.

View the Archive Video

To view the presentation slides from the web seminar and related resources, visit the resource collection. Continue discussing this topic in the community forums.

Below are comments from individuals who attended the seminar:

  • "I had heard about phenomenon-oriented teaching of science concepts but had not explored what it was exactly. The example used brought it home to me."
  • "I learned a lot about how we use language and science hand in hand in the classroom and it is really fascinating that they can be used together."
  • "Seeing student examples was extremely helpful"

A certificate of attendance was deposited into participants' account page for completing the evaluation form at the end of the program.

For more information contact: [email protected]

NSTA Press produces classroom-ready activities, hands-on approaches to inquiry, relevant professional development, the latest scientific education news and research, assessment and standards-based instruction.

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