Lindsey Crews, Science and Outreach Coordinator for Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary, will share information about an ambitious restoration plan, known as Mission: Iconic Reefs, that leverages cutting-edge science, innovative public-private partnerships, and community engagement to restore our degraded coral reef ecosystems within the Florida Keys.
Register to this program to discover how coral scientists use new technology and experiments to progress the world of coral restoration science and how people from all over the world can make a difference.
All individuals receive a certificate of participation and 100 NSTA activity points for attending the live seminar and completing the end-of-program survey. A certificate of participation is not awarded for watching the recorded version of the program.
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To view the presentation slides from the web seminar and related resources, visit the resource collection.
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Below are comments from individuals who attended the seminar:
- "I enjoyed having the opportunity to listen to someone actually working out in the field. I have read about what is happening with coral reef restoration in Florida, but having Lindsey describe her experiences was illuminating and authentic. I also appreciated the balance between Lindsey and Bruce with relevant resources provided in real time as they were being discussed."
- "Real science brought to us by an expert brought everything you read about coral reefs to life. Most interesting was to see how big mission iconic reefs is & how things can change if we all work together."
- "The content was intriguing. This is an on-going environmental issue that needs to be taught to our future generations."
A certificate of attendance was deposited into participants' account page for completing the evaluation form at the end of the program.
For more information contact: [email protected]