Evolutionary Relationships in Mammals (Genetics and Evolution)

by: Victor Sampson and Sharon Schleigh

The purpose of this chapter is to help students understand how modern phylogenetic systematics (i.e., the classification based on evolutionary history) is based on cladistics analysis. This activity also gives students an opportunity to create a cladogram, which is a diagram that depicts a hypothetical branching sequence of lineages leading to specific species or genera. This activity also helps students learn how to engage in practices such as developing and using models, constructing explanations, arguing from evidence, and communicating information.

Grade Levels

High School


Biology Evolution Instructional Materials Science and Engineering Practices Teaching Strategies


Type Book ChapterPub Date 11/15/2012Stock # PB304X_6

NSTA Press produces classroom-ready activities, hands-on approaches to inquiry, relevant professional development, the latest scientific education news and research, assessment and standards-based instruction.

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