In this chapter, students work to answer two testable questions: Who can become a scientist? and What do scientists do? Students learn about the lives and work of eight scientists: John James Audubon, Charles William Beebe (known as William Beebe), Rachel Carson, Benjamin Banneker, Barnum Brown, Julie Codispoti, Gregor Mendel, and Jean-Bernard-Léon Foucault (known as Léon Foucault) by reading and discussing picture book biographies. They also practice the science process skills of observing, communicating, classifying, and experimenting (Padilla 1990). Explicit instruction and firsthand experience with process skills is woven into the inquiry at appropriate times so that students experience these behaviors in an authentic way. This pairing breathes life into the behaviors described in the texts and helps students link what they do in the classroom to the work of actual scientists.

Grade Levels



5E General Science Inquiry Instructional Materials Lesson Plans Literacy Pedagogy


Type Book ChapterPub Date 10/20/2012Stock # PB325X_6

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