Practical Ideas for teaching Climate
Bruce Larson's article provides multiple resources for teaching climate to students across grade levels. I found these suggested resources to be the most valuable information from the articl... See More
Bruce Larson's article provides multiple resources for teaching climate to students across grade levels. I found these suggested resources to be the most valuable information from the article.
Larson also lays out a framework, or grade-level-spanning sequence, for teaching climate to students. He calls these sequences 'learning progressions', and they make sense. They spell out what skills are appropriate to teach at what grade, or cognitive, level. While I found myself wanting more detail, or a broader breadth of skills included in the progressions, the do provide a good snapshot of the big picture of which climate concepts should be taught.
Again, though, my biggest take away was the many resources Larson suggested. To clarify, some of the resources are websites or organizations, but many of his suggested resources are actually engaging, easy-to-implement activities.
I'll be able to run with these resources. They will enhance and expand what i teach with regards to climate and weather.