by: Peggy Ashbrook
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Early Childhood Elementary
Inquiry Kindergarten Lesson Plans Phenomena Physical Science Pre-K
Type Journal ArticlePub Date 3/1/2013Stock # sc13_050_07_30Volume 050Issue 07
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Static Electricity for Preschoolers
This article describes an interesting activity to help preschoolers explore and experience static electricity. They will not understand the scientific principles behind static electricity b... See More
This article describes an interesting activity to help preschoolers explore and experience static electricity. They will not understand the scientific principles behind static electricity but they can explore its effects with this simple bottle activity. As they grow older, this experience will give them a background and basis to understand the more advanced science behind electricity. Preschoolers can experience science at their level and are natural learners that need to be encouraged to explore their world which is full of science.
NSTA Press produces classroom-ready activities, hands-on approaches to inquiry, relevant professional development, the latest scientific education news and research, assessment and standards-based instruction.
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