Student Outreach Initiative: Sowing the Seeds of Future Success

by: Craig Wilson and Timothy Scott
edited by: Robert E. Yager

This chapter features the Student Outreach Initiative project developed as a collaborative research community between USDA/Agricultural Research Service/Southern Plains Area (ARS/SPA) laboratories and their local communities and schools (grades 4–10). It engaged teachers and students in hands-on, inquiry-based activities linked to current USDA/ARS/SPA research. The common focus of the laboratories was insect life cycles using the USDA/ARS/SPA research on the corn earworm (Helicoverpa zea) as a model around which students conducted research. One topic of research specific to each lab location was also studied. This project allowed the teachers to “deepen their understanding of the nature of science as a creative, knowledge-making process.”


Type Book ChapterPub Date 4/1/2009Stock # PB192X6_6

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