by: John (Jack) Padalino
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Type Journal ArticlePub Date 5/1/2001Stock # tst01_068_05_10Volume 068Issue 05
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Riding Schools of Nature Deficit Students
The author of this article is the president of an Environmental Organization. His belief is that teaching in today’s schools should include the achievement of objectives in environmental li... See More
The author of this article is the president of an Environmental Organization. His belief is that teaching in today’s schools should include the achievement of objectives in environmental literacy and education. This can be accomplished by providing teachers with resources that include time, collegial support, materials and low classroom enrollment. ‘Nature Deficit’ students are going through school programs at all levels without experiencing the beauty of nature and the aspects of environment that will maintain a balance and sustainability between humans and the world they live in. It is a shame that districts and government don’t support this idea.
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