Helping One Student Effects the Whole Class
This statement from this article sums it up nicely. "Modes of visual supports include the use of
supplemental methods of representation including (but not limited to) graphic organizers, ... See More
This statement from this article sums it up nicely. "Modes of visual supports include the use of
supplemental methods of representation including (but not limited to) graphic organizers, pictures, charts, graphs,diagrams, and maps; while formats of visual supports,such as templates or writing scaffolds, are textual representations that can help students use the information from their modes to assist with written tasks or exercises."
The authors of this article give numerous examples of how to accomplish this. This is a very valuable article for teacher of students with various learning disabilities.
An unexpected result of helping a few children was that it positively effected the whole class!!
Seeing is Believing: Visuals Help All Learn
It occurs over and over again! A teacher creates a learning aid for a specific student’s needs only to discover it is a welcome and effective tool to help improve scientific understanding f... See More
It occurs over and over again! A teacher creates a learning aid for a specific student’s needs only to discover it is a welcome and effective tool to help improve scientific understanding for all of his/her students. This article provides an example of this in a third grade classroom. The teacher created a template that helped two of her special needs students engage in the NGSS scientific practices of constructing explanations and designing solutions. Read how her template elevated learning for all her students as they used this Claims and Evidence template. The teacher was able to track her students’ progressions of understanding, and the students were able to synthesize their thoughts in their own words. They supported their words with pictures, drawings, templates, and notes from their science notebooks. The Claims and Evidence template also gave this teacher a means for summatively assessing the overall lesson.