Ensuring a Safer Outdoor Experience
This article was about how can learn more about the ecosystem outside in field experiences. It's always better for students to see for them self and be hands on rather than read a text book ... See More
This article was about how can learn more about the ecosystem outside in field experiences. It's always better for students to see for them self and be hands on rather than read a text book or get lectured about a lesson. It also makes the lesson more interesting and students will be more engaged. The article explains the procedures to go through with the students being able to go outside the classroom. The teacher has to be able to provide the curriculum aspects of outdoor learning to the parents and principal at the school. Also have in mind the different hazards that can happen outside doors such as biological, chemical and physical hazards. I enjoyed reading this article and was happy they explained the different requirements to have students be outside from the classroom because it is not an easy procedure.
Setting Up an Outdoor Classroom
This article gives several suggestions of things to check environmentally and legally before setting up an outdoor center for learning. This is a good reference for teachers new to this subject.