
Forums / Elementary Science / How to have a science lesson be engaging?

Elementary Science

How to have a science lesson be engaging?

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Sarai Santibanez Sarai Santibanez 400 Points

I would like to know how we can make science lessons be more engaging as educators?

Alexandra Cruz Alexandra Cruz 370 Points

To make it more engaging for students, it would be good as teachers to make students feel like they were scientists, where we apply science to real life. We also use technology with apps that are related to the topic you will talk about. Do small projects where they explore science. For example, in fifth grade when they explore making a volcano. These types of experiments will make students find science more fun and exciting so that they are excited to learn more.


Aherely Cerda Aherely Cerda 290 Points

To achieve student engagement, it is really important to stimualte their brains with an interesting lesson they can connect and explore with. Using experiments, manipualtives, illustrations, simulations, and other forms of teaching different from textbook lessons will for sure make it interesting for them. 

Megan Melton Megan Melton 780 Points

I know on days when we do hands on experiments, they love it! Like others have mentioned, students love to feel as if they are scientists. I've been told so many times to get my students to do science and they will learn so much more.

Sophia A Sophia 10 Points

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