The sponsoring online course providers below offer varied opportunities on a continuing basis. These institutions offer short courses as well as degree granting programs to assist the K–12 science teacher. Use the drop down menu to select from the providers listed below.
The American Museum of Natural History’s online professional learning program, Seminars on Science, offers six-week online graduate courses in the life, Earth, and physical sciences.
Since 2000, Seminars on Science has been providing educators with comprehensive asynchronous online courses to help them advance their careers as teachers.
Featuring original essays, rich media, and vibrant discussions, the courses offer valuable digital resources for the classroom as well as graduate credit through ten higher education partners.
Each course is co-taught by an experienced classroom educator and research scientist in a manner consistent with the Next Generation Science Standards, with sessions offered year-round.
For more information, visit
The Center for STEM Education at The University of Southern Mississippi offers online classes toward a five-course Graduate Certificate, as well as M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in STEM education. Our programming supports every student, whether you are a K-12 teacher moving your career to the next level or a working scientist making improvements in your ability to effectively share your findings with students, colleagues or potential funders. Our graduates pursue tenure-track research and teaching positions at universities and colleges; serve as STEM curriculum directors and school administrators; and develop programming for out-of-school organizations, museums and learning centers. Check out or email [email protected] to learn more.
A high-quality teacher workforce requires meaningful, ongoing professional learning. Professional learning incorporates research on effective classroom teaching and learning, building pedagogical content knowledge and skills, facilitating the development of professional learning communities, and supporting leadership. Learn more about NSTA Professional Learning Opportunities and register today to participate in free or fee-based programs delivered online.
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