2023 Atlanta National Conference

March 22-25, 2023

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FILTERS APPLIED:Postsecondary, Speed Sharing, Technology and Media, STEM


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Speed Sharing: Preservice and Postsecondary

Saturday, March 25 • 10:20 AM - 11:20 AM

Georgia World Congress Center - B310

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Join postsecondary educators as they share asset-based teaching strategies. Hear about educator experiences of teaching STEM through an equity lens, and incorporating analytic discourse into science methods courses. Developing Asset-Based STEM strategies for preservice teachers. Come and learn how to infuse STEM and STEAM into teaching using asset-based strategies. Asset/Strength-focused approaches to instruction utilize equity-based strategies that can be used with all students. Using Analytic Discourse in an Elementary Science Methods Course This presentation will focus on the use of analytic discourse in an undergraduate elementary science methods course to increase scientific understanding and promote the equitable sharing of student ideas.

Katie Laux (Upper Iowa University: Fayette, IA), Denise Johnson (Associate Professor: Winston Salem, NC), Gina Childers (Texas Tech University: Lubbock, TX)

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