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When it comes to reading materials, traditional science instruction has centered on textbooks and basal readers packaged with kits. When teachers do weave finely-crafted children’s literature into lessons, they generally choose fiction. And yet, a robust body of research shows that most children enjoy nonfiction, and some strongly prefer it. Nonfiction literature has the power to inspire as well as inform by sparking curiosity and fueling a sense of wonder.
In this engaging session, award-winning children’s nonfiction author Melissa Stewart introduces the 5 Kinds of Nonfiction system for classifying children’s literature, provides tips for finding high-quality nonfiction books to compliment K-8 science curricula, and shares classroom-ready strategies for integrating reading, writing, and science.
All individuals receive a certificate of participation and 100 NSTA activity points for attending the live seminar and completing the end-of-program survey. A certificate of participation is not awarded for watching the recorded version of the program.
We invite you to register for upcoming web seminars at NSTA.
Melissa Stewart
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