
Forums / Early Childhood / Science and play for young children.

Early Childhood

Science and play for young children.

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Jaime Jasso Jaime Jasso 30 Points


What are some of the best strategies to engage young children in a Science activity that includes play but are conducive to student learning?


Jaime Jasso

Lauren Duval Lauren Duval 180 Points

Some great strategies to use with young children during science activities is to make sure that they are participating in hands-on learning. Make sure they are going fun, engaging activities that will boost their confidence, make them feel more comfortable in science, and increase their love for science. Children need to be involved in fun activities that excite them, but they have to know the 'why' behind it. There is science everywhere, but if they don't know why they are learning the lesson, participating in the activity, or doing the experiment they aren't learning anything. There needs to be explicit instruction and reasoning behind what they are doing. Young children cannot always interpret cross-curriculum teaching (when science is integrated into other subjects). I hope this helps answer your question!

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