Hello, my name is Kimberlyn, as a future teacher my number one concern when teaching students, especially elementary students is how to keep their focus on the lesson knowing children have a shorter attention span, is there any tips or recommendations for helping students stay involved and active during the lesson?
Thank you
Hello Kimberlyn, I think you can keep students focused on the lesson by using movement to have kids focused, and by removing visual distractions that will help them just be focused on the lesson.
You can make classes more inclusive to activities in order to allow them to focus on something hands on rather than listen through a lesson. Spice some activities in the middle of lessons to gather engagement and it'll even help you gather a more accurate understanding of the students understanding.
One of my biggest concerns in becoming a teacher is how would i get my future students engaged in the lesson. what if my lesson not engaging enough for the students or if they just dont find it interesting ?
Creating acivites that are hands on and that allows them to move around is something that can totally work since they are up and about as well as learning the content.
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