
Forums / Elementary Science / Involving Young Students in Science

Elementary Science

Involving Young Students in Science

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Rayanne Hawk Rayanne Hawk 2035 Points

What are some best practices to involve young elementary students in science investigations, observations, etc.? 

Kylar Merrell Kylar Merrell 1493 Points

Like others have said, I think it's most important to involve the students at all. Give them something to do, something to play with, or something to build. If they are doing something hands on, then they will be more involved. It also doesn't hurt to make the topic relatable to the students so that they have some interest in the material so that they know how it can apply to them


Rachel Leeburn Rachel Leeburn 2225 Points

Hi Rayanne!

I think that one practice that could greatly improve younger students involvement in science is to make it more interactive, by letting the students move around and physically manipulate something. This has a much greater impact on the students understanding and interest than just listening to their teacher or even watching their teacher perform an experiment or investigation. 

Maria Rodriguez Maria Rodriguez 1078 Points

I agree with the responses that mention involvement. I think science is meant to be interactive and letting students become involved in their own learning. Science is very interesting, but also can be difficult to understand because of all vocabulary words and concepts. Using graphic organizers to break down the meaning of a word or understand a concept can be very helpful to those students who need additional support. Also, building on background knowledge is an essential part of the classroom and what we must do for our students to be able to relate to a new concept. Once they know that they can relate to something, their interest and interaction will improve. 

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