
Earth and Space Science


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Tracie O'Keefe Tracie O'Keefe 780 Points

I just finished watching/reading the section all about what the earth is made up of. We all learned bits and pieces of it while we were in school. I really enjoyed this section because as I was reading/listening through this section, I could recall these things that I remember learning about a long time ago! This helped me to understand the material more. Having some prior knowledge helped me to understand the content. Recently there have been many larger earthquakes happening all over the world. This would be a good time to teach my students about plate tectonics and what is going on when an earthquake is happening. Hopefully they can take their background knowledge on earthquakes to make learning about plate tectonics easier.

it is very useful ... thank u

Nancy Iaukea Nancy Iaukea 2710 Points

Tracie, Below are the links to the current websites for Lists of Recent Earthquakes in Hawaii and the World. The USGS sites are also wonderful sources of information for sharing. As an added bonus here is the link for the IRIS site - an incredible organization that puts real seismographs in schools around the country and world. I am very fortunate to have the only IRIS seismograph in Hawaii in my classroom. It is a tremendous tool for teaching and has provided many teachable moments since I've put it in. Check out the IRIS site - it has great information and resources. Hope these add to your options.

Nicole Takamura Nicole Takamura 1020 Points

Hey Trace! Glad you mentioned teaching your kiddos about plate tectonics. That's a great lead into our fourth grade science benchmark on things that change the surface of the Earth (like earth quakes, volcanoes, etc.) as well as our geography benchmark on the formation of the islands (plate moving over a hot spot). Discovery education has some good videos that illustrate plate tectonics for the kids and has some easy to understand animations of the different kind of movements. Since you are a fellow Promethean board owner, it's easy to show your class the videos.

Paula Evans Paula Roknick-Evans 2640 Points

Thanks for the links on tracing earthquakes, a great idea! We are just finishing our first earth science unit. We do a lot of lessons on volcanoes as we are here in Hawaii, but I love the idea of focusing on earthquakes as well. There are also some great lessons on how to use Google Earth to study volcanism and we have been having fun with that as well.

Stanley Hudson Stanley Hudson 21790 Points

The USGS websites are a literal treasure trove of outstanding information. I often spend hours there browsing and reading.

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