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Earth and Space Science

Earth Science Fossil Discovery

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Melissa Ibrahim Melissa Merizalde 1220 Points

Check out the latest news! I am currently in my geologic history unit and thought this would be a great read for kids! 

I always forget how much I like the site . They always have vocabulary at the end and incorporate the latest research. Some of the articles have videos or you can listen to them read as well. Thanks for the reminder, will add some more current articles to my next unit!
Newsela is also really great, you can print articles with different reading levels without having to modify yourself. It's free to try for 30 days and your school can purchase a subscription.[/size][/b][/font][/color]

Pamela Dupre Pamela Dupre 92369 Points

Thanks for sharing!

Meanie Maldonado Meanie Maldonado 230 Points

Very interesting read about the 'Rainbow' dinosaur!

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