Carolina Kits 3D Bundles – January 2025


Elementary Science

Author Post
Melanie Vibar Melanie Vibar 835 Points

I am doing a lesson soon on Animal Adaptations, any suggestions on hands on activities I can do? My students are 4th graders

Jesus Sanchez Jesus Sanchez 660 Points

You can have the students role-play as animals. Put a group of your "animals" and give them a scenario. Where are they? What is the environment like? For example- if the animals were in a cold environment- they would need more fur in older to try to stay warm. 

Hannah Endicott Hannah Endicott 575 Points

I would put my students in a scenario in which they need to adapt to things. For example, like a survival activity. We can have the students in certain situations in which they have to adapt to things. For example, how would you adapt to being cold in a tundra? The students will come up with things such as "I will grow fur, or get a coat," etc, then you can relate to that will make a comparison to animal adaptations. 

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