If you are looking for seasons going outdoors anytime of the year is fantastic. Help them notices the characteristics of living things that they see: color, size, structure. This might make them wonder more or it might help you invite them to think deeper, i.e. how does a crickets color help it survive?
You can talk about living and nonliving things as all things fall into either category. Living things grow and reproduce. Often in EC children think that things must move to be alive, this is a great opportunity to dispel this myth.
You can discuss the needs of the living things you see. The needs of animals and of plants. There are seed experiments that are appropriate for this age.
The life cycles of the plants, insects, and animals you see. You should be able to find books on most of them.
You can talk about the diversity/variation of plant and animal species on earth. In one space you can see spiders, ants, pill bugs, weeds, grass, bushes, flowers, snails, etc. Then in each kind of living thing you see variation. Not all snails are the same.
You can talk about habitat, the environment that living things use to meet it's basic needs.