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Forums / Next Generation Science Standards / Looking for a condensed explanation of NGSS

Next Generation Science Standards

Looking for a condensed explanation of NGSS

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Nick Kidwell Nick Kidwell 35 Points

New NSTA/Oregon STA member here. I have a question for the professional community. I have 7 years of teaching experience and am currently searching for a teaching position. However, I have not been a classroom teacher since 2012, and it's working against me, especially regarding current standards and best-practices. One feedback item from a principal who interviewed me was that I should familiarize with Next Generation Science Standards. While I am finding a plethora of resources out there, there is a LOT of stuff to sort through.  Can someone break it down for me so that I have a solid starting point?  - Nick 

Flavio Mendez Flavio Mendez 55626 Points

Hi Nick, Please consider taking a look at the virtual conference archives (fee-based resource) at the URL below: They offer a "standards 101" level instruction. Might be a good place to start. Take care, Flavio.

Pamela Dupre Pamela Dupre 92369 Points

Just like Flavio, I use NSTA as my go to for pretty much everything, especially NGSS! There are lessons, trade books, and you can see the progressions of the NGSS from elementary through high school. It is a veritable gold mine! Even if you choose not to use the lesson plans, they provide a road map for you to ensure you are hitting all crosscutting concepts, and engineering practices while being aligned to NGSS and your own state's standards.

Donald Boonstra Donald Boonstra 8585 Points

Hi, Nick There is no quick way to understand NGSS. Many of us who have been working with it since it was published are still discovering something new. I agree with Flavio about the NSTA Learning Center web archives, but I would suggest that you first get a copy of the Framework for K-12 Science Education Standards if you don't have it already. You can still download a free pdf copy. The Framework gives a critical understanding of the 3-dimensional teaching and learning that is at the heart of NGSS. You don't need to read the whole document right away, but Part I and the first two chapters of Part II will provide a good foundation for NSTA web seminars and give you the break down for a solid starting point. The NGSS web site is another excellent resource.

Gary Myers Gary Myers 325 Points

A couple nice posters to outline Science and Engineering Practices and Crosscutting Concepts

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