
Forums / New Teachers / Unpacking a Standard Carefully

New Teachers

Unpacking a Standard Carefully

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Matthew Hirsch Matthew Hirsch 670 Points

Hi, I am a teacher candidate working with science in an elementary setting. As I have been writing and preparing lessons, I have realized that some standards are very packed. I have practiced unpacking them, and I am able to do so very easily now. My question is that I worry that some standards are filled very heavily with information. In my lesson planning, I try to space out my topics and teach things individually in order to build their understandings up to the standard itself. I worry that by doing this for some standards I will be spending far too long on them. My question is, are there any tips you have to unpack the standards to create a reasonable time span for a unit? Thank you so much, Matt Hirsch

Diana Hallett Diana Hallett 400 Points

Wow, this is a great question Matt! I am a student teacher who will be graduating in May and this is something that I have struggled with in developing science lessons as well. It does seem like their is so much involved in each standard and that makes it challenging to address all the relevant pieces in a timely manner. I would love to hear what some veteran teachers have to say about this...

William Grover William Grover 6585 Points

I find this to be a common problem across subject matters. Now that we are requiring the students to go deep in concept for the common core ideals, time becomes a major factor in each class. I think your template of sequentially following the most important ideas is the best framework for teaching in today's environment. thanks

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